Would you support
Saint Matthew's
in the expansion of our reach now in 2024?
The mission of the Church knows no bounds. It is a share in the mission of God to the world. All the resources the Church possesses, of money, property, people and potential, are given by God in support of that mission. And those gifts of money and property are only properly used when their connection to the mission to reconcile the world in unity with God is always in our mind and our intention.
This year . . .
would you consider supporting Saint Matthew's in South Worcester? We have a long, vital and ongoing relationship with the South Worcester Neighborhood Improvement Center which we value highly. In June of 2023 we happily dedicated a Community Fridge and Pantry here on our grounds, available 24/7/365. And we know there are a myriad of human, spiritual, financial, social and family needs in our area that are calling out to our hearts from the heart of Christ. We can only begin to identify those needs and consider how we might respond to them with your help.
We are happy to be moving into more conscious and intentional shared ministry with all the Episcopal parishes
of Worcester and with other churches, like our good neighbor Sacred Heart - St. Catherine of Sweden Roman Catholic Church and others. We want to be of service and good use to interested students from our nearest neighbor, the College of the Holy Cross, as well as to the other colleges and universities of the city of Worcester and the immediately surrounding area.
We intend to be a positive presence and a force for good, for the support of the poor and the marginalized in cooperation
with the civic leaders of Worcester. Our desire is to be available and supportive of their efforts to improve the lives of citizens. There can be a direct overlap between that intention and the building up of the Kingdom of God as Jesus of Nazareth described it.
Our world is hurting, and this time has revealed
how much the human world can and does suffer. Our call is to be, in our own way in union with Christ and all people of good will, a source of encouragement, new possibility, and healing.
The more our mission is supported, the more those we serve
can flourish and grow.
We believe that prayer & praise is the engine that powers
the life of the church and every disciple of Christ. We look forward to praying with you and for you, to giving thanks to God with you for all the good God gives us and for the call to serve that is ours.
If you feel called to help, thank you! Here you can give to increase our strength, our reach and our possibilities.
Thank you for helping us to carry forward the things we are passionate about in Christ. Thank you!